
In the past year, HCNS received a total of 13,222 referrals.
The largest number of referrals came from areas of greatest multiple deprivation.

HCNS made more than 27,000 onward referrals.
HCNS worked on 19,859 issues
The most common issues were:
Social isolation
Debt / finance / benefits
Paperwork support
Support at home
Mental health
Access to food / provisions
Cleaning support
Carer support
Equipment and aids
To assess the impact of its work and the benefits for service users, HCNS uses the loneliness scale developed by the Campaign to End Loneliness and ONS4 personal wellbeing scale developed by the Office for National Statistics. All data is checked and validated by Hertfordshire Public Health.
HCNS results show that service users experience statistically significant reduction in feelings of loneliness, and a statistically significant improvement in all four areas of the ONS4 personal wellbeing scale:
Life Satisfaction
Feeling life is worth while
Feelings of anxiety