Case Study
Referral from Armed Forces Champion
Watford General Hospital
Thank you so much, I am eternally grateful for your support.
I don’t know what I would have done without you!
Link Worker
Client had been admitted for seizures. Client is a veteran, living out of his car for the last 2 months in Watford.
Needed urgent housing support, financial support, access to food and mental health support.
Met client at Watford General Hospital, discussed options of support.
As it was the day before a bank holiday weekend, secure/safe accommodation needed urgently.
Discussed mental health support numbers, signposted and referred to military charities like Royal British Legion.
Worked with hospital staff, Milton Keynes Armed Forces Champion and MK council.
PHB used to provide hotel room for over the bank holiday weekend.
Food parcel given for the next few days.
Phone top up provided so client could call support networks.
Referral made to MK council (Duty to Refer) and Royal British Legion who offered their support straight away.
Client safe for the weekend, with food and emotional/mental health support. British Red Cross supported with transport to Milton Keynes.